
Avoid burnout at work with these wellbeing tips

Research has shown that we feel better when our surroundings reflect our needs. Uncommon ensures all of this has been incorporated into the design of the workspaces. They are well lit, often flooded with daylight, while almost 1000 plants are dotted around to help purify the air and produce oxygen and provide a huge feel-good […]

Achieving mindfulness at work

While it may seem obvious that better wellbeing makes us happier and more productive, many of us regularly make sacrifices in order to achieve our goals – and prioritising mindfulness is often the first to go. Scientists now understand the cumulative negative effect the build-up of stress has on our physical and mental health; working […]

Top factors missed when building a digital presence

Uncommon has teamed up with Director of London based creative agency Charle, Nic Dunn to share his top factors that companies miss when building a digital presence for their brand. Building a strong brand strategy In our experience, we see time and time again companies undervaluing the importance of a strong brand strategy when building […]

How flexible are you?

Flexible working is the new 9 to 5. In an age of mobile coworkers connected through technology, we can work when we want, where we want. A community of freelancers, creatives and on-the-go employees, each working in a way that suits them.  Benefits of flexible working With the invention of the World Wide Web, the […]

Stay wise – digitalise

Goodbye ‘organised mess’ – hello bright, clear thinking space. The days of paper piles and cluttered filing cabinets are over. Save physical space in your office by going paperless. Find files more easily, boost workplace productivity and save the environment. In this article we discuss the advantages of digitalising files and maintaining a minimalist office. […]

A jack of all trades

People love sharing. Whether it’s a birthday gift, a piece of advice or simply a hug or a smile, humans are hardwired to enjoy the feeling of sharing. It’s in their nature. It’s the principle that underpins the co-working movement: to create places and communities where space, friendships and ideas are shared between large groups […]

Towards a millennial company culture

Picture the clichéd millennial workspace. What do you see? Rose gold and copper lines the furniture. Shiny new coffee machines keep the mood lively. Kitchens brim with the smell of avocado toast. An office completely absent of shirts and ties. Just trainers, jeans, tees, and perhaps even some kind of vintage hat bought on Depop […]

The best business books for entrepreneurs

We all know that business person who’s always plugged in and on the go. That someone who’s so attached to their iPhone it’s more like a fifth limb than a piece of tech. Well, it’s about time they unwound and read a book. With that in mind, we’ve put together the essential list of the […]