
Sound business sense: the best work playlists

All of our workspaces at Uncommon have been specifically designed to help you not just to work better, but to work smarter. So many of the decisions you would need to make to help you focus on the work you have to do, have been made by the Uncommon – from the height of the […]

World Book Day: Be Inspired & Inspire

  Did you know that our Uncommon workspaces have book swaps for our members? Sometimes we just need to switch off from work, step away from our office and get stuck into a book that transports us to a different world. Whether you’re looking to start new business ideas, find your purpose or simply are […]

Wellbeing podcasts to tune into

At Uncommon, we value making your working day be as effective as possible. We curate bespoke playlists to fit a particular space or time of day at our workspaces. Sometimes, you just want to transfer your mind to a calmer place. As a result, you feel revamped and inspired to carry on with your day […]

Four podcasts to inspire you while at work

At Uncommon, we know how background sound can influence our moods. We use bespoke curated playlists at our office spaces that vary depending on the space and time of day. These playlists can enhance your concentration with a slower, calmer selection, or to keep your spirits high throughout the day. Sometimes, putting on your headphones […]

Five apps for personal development

Experts tell us that that personal development is an ongoing journey, and we all know that there is always a desire to learn and explore different things. Best of all stretching your mind as well as your body and spirit is the key to good physical and mental health. The Lead Academy is one of the […]

Stay wise – digitalise

Goodbye ‘organised mess’ – hello bright, clear thinking space. The days of paper piles and cluttered filing cabinets are over. Save physical space in your office by going paperless. Find files more easily, boost workplace productivity and save the environment. In this article we discuss the advantages of digitalising files and maintaining a minimalist office. […]

Towards a millennial company culture

Picture the clichéd millennial workspace. What do you see? Rose gold and copper lines the furniture. Shiny new coffee machines keep the mood lively. Kitchens brim with the smell of avocado toast. An office completely absent of shirts and ties. Just trainers, jeans, tees, and perhaps even some kind of vintage hat bought on Depop […]

The best business books for entrepreneurs

We all know that business person who’s always plugged in and on the go. That someone who’s so attached to their iPhone it’s more like a fifth limb than a piece of tech. Well, it’s about time they unwound and read a book. With that in mind, we’ve put together the essential list of the […]