office design
Design elements at Uncommon coworking spaces to stir the senses
“Ultimately, if you are paying to work from a shared office space, then you are looking for an environment that will help you become more successful in your work. A huge part of what will propel you to success is a space with the right personality.” – Area Works One of the most common feedback […]
5 Benefits of Coworking Spaces for Remote Workers
Traditional offices are no longer the norm due to the global pandemic and we have shifted into the remote working model. Coworking is the bridge to the future – healthily balancing working and home life. “Nevertheless, it’s imperative to realize that most remote work arrangements were assembled in an ad hoc fashion on the basis […]
5 essentials for a happy desk space
That old adage that a ‘tidy desk at your office space shows a tidy mind’ has never been more appropriate than when you opt for a co-working space. You can leave yourself and all your good and bad habits open for all to see. There are some of us who can make any space look […]