Work Life

Top factors missed when building a digital presence

Uncommon has teamed up with Director of London based creative agency Charle, Nic Dunn to share his top factors that companies miss when building a digital presence for their brand. Building a strong brand strategy In our experience, we see time and time again companies undervaluing the importance of a strong brand strategy when building […]

The many benefits of working at Uncommon Fulham

If you’re looking to base your business in south west London, Fulham could be the perfect place. Surrounded by a circular bend in the River Thames, there’s something distinctive about Fulham. It’s less than four miles from Charing Cross and lies on the north bank of the river. It feels like it’s in it’s own […]

A jack of all trades

People love sharing. Whether it’s a birthday gift, a piece of advice or simply a hug or a smile, humans are hardwired to enjoy the feeling of sharing. It’s in their nature. It’s the principle that underpins the co-working movement: to create places and communities where space, friendships and ideas are shared between large groups […]

Stimulating Spaces

Were a businessman from 1980 to stumble into a time machine and fall into a modern day office you might forgive him for wondering just exactly what it is people do for a living. Gone are the closed cubicles of yesteryear, gone are the white striplights failing to fully commit to their job – much […]

Overcoming the networking inertia

Networking is important. It’s a fact. And although its an unfortunate fact for some, a select few are blessed with the gift of the gab. They’re able to strike up a conversation as easily as a match. For the rest of us, it’s not so easy. In a sea of people, how do you find […]