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With Discover Your Bounce
13:00-13:45PM | Tues, 15 November
Let’s talk about men’s health.
For International Men’s Day we will explore:
We are delighted to be joined by:
This is our inaugural meeting of this network, an open forum for HR managers, Mental Health First Aiders and Wellbeing Champions. Please pass these details on to anyone else you feel would be interested!
Free for Uncommon members
10AM – 4PM | Weds, 2 November
“Where and how we facilitate workshops is changing. Because we want to avert the climate emergency. Because right now the cost of transporting entire teams to be co-located is sky-rocketing. Because our organisations have shifted to support remote and hybrid ways of working.
It’s time to find ways to use the technology we have and learn the skills to collaborate brilliantly online.
Our Remote Workshop Workshop will introduce you to multiple digital environments and teach you how to apply creativity and design thinking tools in a virtual space. We’ll also show you how to create and maintain energy and focus, along with techniques for managing challenging participants, which takes a markedly different form, to when you facilitate in person.
The workshop itself will be remote so you will get the chance to experience a remote workshop as a participant and then reflect on it as a facilitator.”
Discount for Uncommon members | Limited Spaces Available | Code: Please refer to the Uncommon members perks page
With Discover Your Bounce
13:00-13:45PM | Tues, 18 October
Business is a challenging place to be, but with challenge comes opportunity!
Join us to discuss the future of leadership; it’s challenges, it’s opportunities and the key points to consider when creating our strategy and assisting our future leaders.
We will pose questions to our panel of experts from attendees and our network, as well as suggesting key next steps for an organisation and its leaders to take to build a resilient and thriving business.
Free for Uncommon members
With Discover Your Bounce
18:00 – 19:00PM | Thurs, 13 October
In this talk Nicky and Sharon will discuss the current stress epidemic and how, despite the reset of the pandemic we are still stuck in a constant cycle of striving and surviving. We have an opportunity to create a better experience for us as humans and in turn create a better planet, but how do we create lasting change that benefits us all?
Learn how to:
Attendees will walk away with a plan to create their own version of a perfect life, and a host of practical techniques for stress busting.
This event will be recorded and a reply emailed to those who register.
Free for Uncommon members
With Ryan Mathie
9AM-5PM | Friday 15th July
Discover how to build an online high-fee coaching business without a FB Page, Best-Selling Book or even a Website – 100% from the HEART.
If you’re worried about getting burned by business coaches that promise the world and deliver nothing…
But you also don’t have the time or the patience to invest months (maybe years) “getting the word out” or “building a following” on social media…
Then our One-Day Intensive Workshop is the simple, effective, sustainable coaching business blueprint you’ve been looking for.
With Impact Central
18:30-21:00PM | Thursday 14th July
We are delighted to host you at the Impact Central Summer Showcase in King’s Cross!
There will be no livestream and tickets are limited, so be quick.
An inspirational evening of special guests and presentations from Cohort 9 – balancing profits with purpose 💼 🌍 👍
Join us at 6:30pm for a quick drink and some food, then head upstairs where we will kick off at 7pm sharp. There will be further opportunity to network after the formal programme ends at 8:30pm.
There will be food, merriment and thought-provoking discussion as we cheer on our latest cohort of startups. 🙌
Impact Central is an accelerator and mentor network which supports founders committed to creating businesses that rebuild our society and environment. And we want to use this showcase show you some great examples!
Register for your place TODAY. Limited seating!
Venue: King’s Cross
With Discover Your Bounce
1-1:45PM | Wednesday 13th July
For a business to thrive, its people must thrive – so how can we make this happen as the world starts to recover?
Join Nicky Marshall and Sharon Critchlow as they share their thoughts on this powerful subject, as well as a framework to create resilient, flexible, cohesive and happy teams.
They will focus on three areas: Mindset, Culture and Wellbeing
Learn techniques, strategies and coaching techniques to help your teams today.
Free for Uncommon members
With Shelf Help
7PM-8:15PM | Monday 4th July
The bright lights, late nights and constant hustle of our modern world have detached us from the way we, as humans, are supposed to live, connect and thrive.
In his first book, Be More Human, Natural Lifestyle Coach Tony Riddle explores the importance of reconnecting with our natural state, helping us to learn how to meet our true needs and live more naturally.
Most of us do not sit, breathe, eat, sleep or move as nature intended and so we’re actively going against our biology.
And in this online event author Tony will show us how to become more human in practice, sharing advice on 5 key areas of everyday living:
With Shelf Help
7-8:15PM | Monday 6th June
Anyone, whatever their age, gender, culture or abilities, can find themselves disconnected from others and feeling lonely.
If you feel lonely, you are lonely. And you are not alone.
The good news? There’s LOTS you can do to remedy this.
In this worksop with self-help teacher and mindfulness practitioner, Gill Hasson, you’ll learn practical strategies for countering loneliness, making friends, connecting with and enjoying the company of other people, feeling understood and also that sense of belonging that we all crave.
Using research and tips from her own life and her book, Lonely Less, Gill will share advice on how to:
With Discover Your Bounce
1-1:45PM | Thurs, 16 June
What is emotional intelligence, or EQ?
When we act and respond in a more emotionally intelligent way, we create empathy with others, improve our communication and over time, understand more about who we are.
In this workshop we will share:
This workshop is perfect for anyone wanting to improve their relationships, for leaders who want to improve their skills and anyone who wants to learn more about their own behaviours.
Free for Uncommon members
With Discover Your Bounce
1-1:45PM | Friday 13th May
Would you like a healthier, happier life? The two go hand in hand as happiness builds immunity and health.
During this workshop we will share:
Invite your friends, bring a smile and join us for this uplifting session!
Free for Uncommon members
With CoStartup & Go
9AM-6PM | Wednesday 25th May
Discover how you to grow your startup leanly, from getting it off the ground in the first place through to reducing costs & increasing revenue.
Back by popular demand, these 1 hour online 1:1 individual sessions give you the opportunity to talk about your startup specifically and get tailored guidance and advice.
Areas such as:
– How to take your idea and turn it in to a business
– Getting your startup off the ground
– Moving your startup forwards in an affordable way
– Growing your business leanly
– Generating revenue streams or increasing them
– Scaling up!
Don’t miss out book in today!
Free for Uncommon members
With Discover Your Bounce
1-1:45PM | Friday 13th May
Would you like a healthier, happier life? The two go hand in hand as happiness builds immunity and health.
During this workshop we will share:
Invite your friends, bring a smile and join us for this uplifting session!
Free for Uncommon members
With Discover Your Bounce
1-1:45PM | Monday 9th May
Calling HR Professionals and People Managers!
Do you have a wellbeing strategy that needs a revisit?
Would you like some fresh ideas and a different approach?
To date we have had the absolute pleasure of working with over 4000 employees across a variety of organisations and to work with amazing HR Professionals passionate about improving the working lives of individuals.
Join us for this inspiring session, network with fellow professionals and leave feeling inspired!
Free for Uncommon members
10AM | Thursday 5th May
This workshop is delivered as 2 x 2-hour sessions:
Session One runs on May 5th from 10.00am – 12.00pm
Session Two runs on May 5th from 14:00pm – 16.00pm
Collaboration is business critical; successful collaboration leads to better quality, more original outputs, improved productivity and people enjoying their work. But just when we need it most, collaboration has taken a real hit. The trust and connection on which it depends doesn’t come as naturally when we’re on video calls all day or having to navigate a hybrid format. Now that hybrid working is here to stay, companies need to find new and effective ways to collaborate.
You’ll come away with:
– An understanding of how hybrid collaboration works
– A model for creating and facilitating collaborations that support your specific goals
– An understanding of how to make the technology work for you rather than getting in your way
– Exercises, tools and techniques to improve your team’s productivity and performance
– The skills to optimise hybrid collaboration by encouraging and managing behaviours
– Curve’s Collaboration Canvas to help you design your ways of working
– An output document that captures all of the learnings for you to share with your team
Discount for Uncommon members | Limited Spaces Available | Code: Please refer to the Uncommon members perks page
With Shelf Help
7-8:15PM | Tuesday 3rd May
Your energy is everything: it is the fuel that drives your success and it gives you the power to achieve your potential. So how can you be your best self if you’re always tired, stressed and burnt out?
In his new book, Energize (out Apr 21) life coach and motivational speaker Simon Alexander Ong introduces us to the art and science of energy management.
In a world where we are always on, Ong urges us to work with our natural energy resources to recognise our most energised state – when to push and when to recoup – so that we can work sustainably towards our biggest goals.
And in this workshop Simon will:
Target: We will actively engage all our members on climate action by 2023
Target: We will provide our members with the knowledge and tools to help them reduce their impact and embed sustainability within their practices by 2023
Target: We will develop a member guide, setting standards across our workspaces for sustainability by 2023
Target: We will measure, set targets for and report on diversity across our business – considering gender, race, religion, LGBTQI+ and disability – by 2023
Target: 70% of our workforce will complete relevant, personalised, and career-enhancing training provided by Uncommon by 2023
Target: We will provide all of our employees with access to individualised and personally relevant programme to support mental, physical and financial wellbeing by 2023
Target: Develop a supplier code of conduct by the end of 2022
Target: Engage all our suppliers on key topics – notably climate, wages and diversity – in line with our code of conduct by 2023
Target: Ensure all our suppliers comply with our code of conduct by 2025
Target: All our buildings will achieve an EPC rating of B or above by 2027
Target: Offer our members carbon neutral desks across all our buildings by 2027
Target: Develop a criteria for sourcing more sustainable and circular products across our business by 2023
Target: Reduce our absolute emissions in line with science, aiming for an 80% reduction by 2025
Target: Be a net zero business across scope 1, 2 and ket scope 3 categories by 2027
Target: We will be a carbon negative business, removing more emissions than we have released through our operations from when we were founded to today, and for all future years by 2023
With Discover Your Bounce
1-1:45PM | Tuesday 26th April
Do you suffer from anxiety?
Do you support others in your family or team that suffer?
In this workshop they will share:
This workshop is recommended for individuals looking to better manage their stress as well as HR Managers and Team Leaders.
Free for Uncommon members
With Discover Your Bounce
1-1:45PM | Tuesday 5th April
In this workshop we will share tools and techniques to create a calmer mind and less stress! Including:
• The structure of the brain and how it reacts to stress
• An introduction to mindfulness – are you Mindful or Mind Full?
• How to find calm in the workplace and an introduction to meditation
This is one of our most popular workshops and one not to miss!
Free for Uncommon members
With Shelf Help
7PM | Monday 4th April
Makala Green is a highly successful financial expert, motivational speaker and wealth coach who worked her way up from a cashier position at 16 to becoming the UK’s first Black Female Chartered Financial Planner with an extraordinary record of success.
She has transformed lives and businesses, working with entrepreneurs, sportspeople, professionals and multi-million-pound companies, and knows how empowering it is to be in control of your finances.
Makala understands how managing your money can change everything for the better and in this workshop she will reveal some of her strategies for creating a strong, stable and future-proof money mindset, whatever your current financial position.
Attendees will discover a new way of looking at money, giving them the financial confidence they need to achieve their highest aspirations.
With Impact Central
7PM-8:30PM | Thursday 31st March
“We are delighted to host you at the Impact Central Spring Showcase. Another exciting and inspiring evening all about start ups balancing profits with purpose
This fun event is an opportunity for the Impact Central Community to celebrate the Impact-Driven businesses who have completed the teaching element of the Impact Central Accelerator Programme.
It’s an opportunity to bring people together to celebrate emerging businesses who are solving social and environmental problems.
Registration is free! Join us for ‘after work drinks’ at our showcase and hear from inspiring entrepreneurs about their businesses, and hear how you can be involved.
Impact Central is an accelerator and mentor network which supports founders committed to creating businesses that rebuild our society and environment. And we want to use this showcase show you some great examples!
Register for your place now with location and further details to be announced in due course.”
10AM-12PM / 2PM-4PM | Wednesday 30th March
Collaboration is business critical; successful collaboration leads to better quality, more original outputs, improved productivity and people enjoying their work. But just when we need it most, collaboration has taken a real hit. The trust and connection on which it depends doesn’t come as naturally when we’re on video calls all day or having to navigate a hybrid format. Now that hybrid working is here to stay, companies need to find new and effective ways to collaborate.
You’ll come away with:
– An understanding of how hybrid collaboration works
– A model for creating and facilitating collaborations that support your specific goals
– An understanding of how to make the technology work for you rather than getting in your way
– Exercises, tools and techniques to improve your team’s productivity and performance
– The skills to optimise hybrid collaboration by encouraging and managing behaviours
– Curve’s Collaboration Canvas to help you design your ways of working
– An output document that captures all of the learnings for you to share with your team
Discount for Uncommon members | Limited Spaces Available | Code: Please refer to the Uncommon members perks page
With CoStartup & Go
9AM-6PM | Wednesday 30th March
Discover how you to grow your startup leanly, from getting it off the ground in the first place through to reducing costs & increasing revenue.
Back by popular demand, these 1 hour online 1:1 individual sessions give you the opportunity to talk about your startup specifically and get tailored guidance and advice.
Areas such as:
– How to take your idea and turn it in to a business
– Getting your startup off the ground
– Moving your startup forwards in an affordable way
– Growing your business leanly
– Generating revenue streams or increasing them
– Scaling up!
Don’t miss out book in today!
Free for Uncommon members
With CoStartup & Go
9AM-6PM | Wednesday 23rd March
Are You A Startup Who Has Areas Of The Business That Need Your Focus But You Are Not Sure Where To Start?
Does Even Finding The Time To Reflect On Where Your Startup Is Heading Seem A Distant Memory?
Are You A Company That Has Been Going A Few Years And Now Want To Take It To The Next Level?
Have A Strategy In Mind But Need Guidance On How To Actually Deliver It?
Sian Winfield, Founder of Costartup & Go will be on site for free 30 minute consultations.
Pick from any of the areas below relevant to you or bring along your own questions!
Business set up
Business development on a shoestring
Lean processes
Growing a team on a budget
Digital marketing
HR / Recruitment
Time / Project Management
Free for Uncommon members
With Discover Your Bounce
1-1:45PM | Thursday 17th March
Did you know more than half the population sleep poorly?
Sleep is responsible not only for our health but also our mood and our performance. In this workshop we will share important sleep facts, as well as tips and techniques to improve your sleep, including:
This workshop provides inspiration and that you can use yourself and to share with your team and family.
Free for Uncommon members
With CoStartup & Go
9AM-6PM | Wednesday 9th March
Discover how you to grow your startup leanly, from getting it off the ground in the first place through to reducing costs & increasing revenue.
Back by popular demand, these 1 hour online 1:1 individual sessions give you the opportunity to talk about your startup specifically and get tailored guidance and advice.
Areas such as:
– How to take your idea and turn it in to a business
– Getting your startup off the ground
– Moving your startup forwards in an affordable way
– Growing your business leanly
– Generating revenue streams or increasing them
– Scaling up!
Don’t miss out book in today!
Free for Uncommon members
With Impact Central
6:30-8:30PM | Wednesday 2nd February
Join SL Martin and Gordon Eichhorst in discussion with special guests for a discussion on founder life with relatable and insightful content.
Impact Central is an accelerator and mentor network which supports founders committed to creating businesses that rebuild our society and environment. And we want to use this showcase show you some great examples!
With Discover Your Bounce
1-1:45PM | Thursday 17th February
Mindfulness has been proven to have health advantages, but how do you do it and where do you start?
In this workshop we will share the basics of mindfulness, techniques to help you progress and five very different ways that may work for you.
Perfect for people who struggle with overwhelm, have difficulty sleeping or just want more peace and happiness!
Free for Uncommon members
With Discover Your Bounce
10AM-12PM | Saturday 5th February
Have you written resolutions and broken them all by lunchtime on Jan 1st?
Perhaps you enjoy vision board workshops but get distracted by June?
This workshop will not only give you a plan, but the tools and habit forming techniques to ensure your 2022 starts with a bounce and continues to flourish.
Discount for Uncommon members
10AM | Friday 25th February
Collaboration is business critical; successful collaboration leads to better quality, more original outputs, improved productivity and people enjoying their work. But just when we need it most, collaboration has taken a real hit. The trust and connection on which it depends doesn’t come as naturally when we’re on video calls all day or having to navigate a hybrid format. Now that hybrid working is here to stay, companies need to find new and effective ways to collaborate.
You’ll come away with:
– An understanding of how hybrid collaboration works
– A model for creating and facilitating collaborations that support your specific goals
– An understanding of how to make the technology work for you rather than getting in your way
– Exercises, tools and techniques to improve your team’s productivity and performance
– The skills to optimise hybrid collaboration by encouraging and managing behaviours
– Curve’s Collaboration Canvas to help you design your ways of working
– An output document that captures all of the learnings for you to share with your team
Discount for Uncommon members | Limited Spaces Available | Code: Please refer to the Uncommon members perks page
With Discover Your Bounce
9:30-11:30AM | Monday 31 January
Have you written resolutions and broken them all by lunchtime on Jan 1st?
Perhaps you enjoy vision board workshops but get distracted by June?
This workshop will not only give you a plan, but the tools and habit forming techniques to ensure your 2022 starts with a bounce and continues to flourish.
Discount for Uncommon members
With Discover Your Bounce
1-1:45PM | Thursday 20th January
In this workshop we will explore the future of the workplace and think about what good looks like for you and your team, including:
We will include practical ways to make positive improvements, what to look out for and the first steps to take.
This workshop is perfect for HR Managers, Team Leaders, CEOs and anyone who would like inspiration to create a better working environment.
Free for Uncommon members
With CoStartup & Go
9AM-6PM | Wednesday 26th January
Discover how you to grow your startup leanly, from getting it off the ground in the first place through to reducing costs & increasing revenue.
Back by popular demand, these 1 hour 1:1 individual sessions give you the opportunity to talk about your startup specifically and get tailored guidance and advice.
Areas such as:
– How to take your idea and turn it in to a business
– Getting your startup off the ground
– Moving your startup forwards in an affordable way
– Growing your business leanly
– Generating revenue streams or increasing them
– Scaling up!
Free for Uncommon members
With The Merit Club
1-2PM | Thursday 6th January
In this workshop, Rosie Davies-Smith, founder of PR Dispatch, will show you how to build a well-thought-out influencer strategy. From establishing your objectives to ways to build meaningful relationships with influencers.
Rosie Davies-Smith is the founder of PR Dispatch – the UK’s first affordable PR membership platform dedicated to supporting product-based businesses in doing their own PR and gaining magazine coverage themselves. Their membership offering also includes an Influencer Membership where they teach businesses how to work with influencers.
Discounted for Uncommon Members | Code: Please refer to the Uncommon member perks page | Ladies only event
With The Merit Club
8-9PM | Wednesday 5th January
Susan Laurie uses her own experience to help people become more mindful about alcohol and drinking. She is not anti alcohol, but wants others to be aware of the things that she wishes she had known. Following university Susan had a successful career in marketing in the pharmaceutical industry and was then an entrepreneur with her own company, before succumbing to a serious drinking problem. This escalated to a life-threatening situation, despite many attempts at familiar interventions including counselling, rehab and Alcoholics Anonymous. After her recovery, she wrote the book ‘From Rock Bottom To Sober Forever’, which has provided inspiration and hope to thousands of people and has been praised for the exceptional account of the stealth-like progression of alcohol addiction, and she uses her unique experience to help people avoid alcohol becoming problematic.
Discounted for Uncommon Members | Code: Please refer to the Uncommon member perks page | Ladies only event
10AM | Monday 24 January
Collaboration is business critical; successful collaboration leads to better quality, more original outputs, improved productivity and people enjoying their work. But just when we need it most, collaboration has taken a real hit. The trust and connection on which it depends doesn’t come as naturally when we’re on video calls all day or having to navigate a hybrid format. Now that hybrid working is here to stay, companies need to find new and effective ways to collaborate.
You’ll come away with:
– An understanding of how hybrid collaboration works
– A model for creating and facilitating collaborations that support your specific goals
– An understanding of how to make the technology work for you rather than getting in your way
– Exercises, tools and techniques to improve your team’s productivity and performance
– The skills to optimise hybrid collaboration by encouraging and managing behaviours
– Curve’s Collaboration Canvas to help you design your ways of working
– An output document that captures all of the learnings for you to share with your team
Discount for Uncommon members | Limited Spaces Available | Code: Please refer to the Uncommon members perks page
With Nicole Crentsil
4-4:30pm | Friday 5th November | Uncommon Instagram Live
Session Overview
Explore Nicole’s favourite Winter Rituals (physical/fitness, mental wellbeing, self-care, skincare and bodycare).
About Nicole Crentsil
Nicole Crentsil is a Ghanaian-British cultural curator, entrepreneur and investor based in London. Nicole is the CEO of Black Girl Fest – a platform dedicated to Black women, girls and non-binary people. She’s also the founder of BIG SIS, a new network supporting the personal development of creative working women.
Nicole currently sits on the Members Advisory Board for the Tate and is also a VC Scout and Angel Investor with Ada Ventures- a £34 million fund investing in underrepresented founders.
In 2018, Forbes listed Nicole as one of 100 women to follow on Twitter and LinkedIn. In the same year, TimeOut named Nicole as 1 of 50 Londoner’s shaping the city’s cultural landscape. Nicole is passionate about connecting women, young people and underrepresented groups to art, culture and events.
Nicole’s Socials: | Instagram |Black Girl Fest Instagram | Website
With Dr Kemi
1-1:30PM | Friday 5th November | Uncommon Instagram Live
Session Overview
Dr Kemi’s talk will be on how to switch your skincare routine from Summer to Winter in order to maintain healthy, glowing refreshed skin.
About Dr Kemi
NHS Doctor and Skinthusiast. Dr. Kemi has recently been working on the front-lines during COVID. She has recently swapped her hospital scrubs for skincare ingredients and is sharing her passion for skin.
With Virginutty
3-3:30PM | Friday 5th November | Uncommon Instagram Live
Session Overview
Coconuts aren’t just for sipping in summer! Virginutty founder Mel Legarda deep dives into how we can use the humble coconut to keep our bodies feeling nourished, moisturiser and glowing through the winter months. In this session you’ll learn 3 top tips for involving coconut oil into your self care routine.
About Virginutty
Virginutty is an ethical coconut oil skincare, homeware and wellness brand hand-poured in London. Founded by Melissa Legarda, a British Filipina entrepreneur passionate about natural ingredients, Virginutty’s mission is to empower the minority through coconuts.
With Ohana Skin
11-11:30AM | Friday 5th November | Uncommon Instagram Live
Session Overview
Ohana will guide you through a gua sha facial massage to liberate your skin. Blood flow increases, fine lines and wrinkles reduce, and complexion calms with each stroke. This is as much about skincare to flush out toxins, tone, firm and revitalise the skin, as it is about the self care ritual. Using a rose quartz crystal promotes unconditional self love to support balance, energy and wellbeing. We will use our CBD face oil or serum as a foundation to help the gua sha glide and reduce existing tensions. CBD is a powerful anti-inflammatory that helps to soothe the skin for a healthy glow. Join this self care skincare session!
About Ohana Skin
Jasmin Thomas is the founder of Ohana Skincare, a plant-based CBD company that prioritises your wellbeing through skincare products and self care tools. Ohana products are produced from natural ingredients and contain unique formulations that combine powerful plant properties that serve the skin, from seed to self. The brand provides solutions for women’s health, holistically, and will be launching a platform to better track this to overcome the gap many women experience in their journey of wellbeing.
Jasmin was diagnosed with MS in 2015. She started using cannabis to alleviate various frustrating symptoms of her condition. Her medical journey led to her professional one, which now allows her to pursue her passions.
In 2018, Jasmin co-founded entOURage Network, a women’s empowerment organisation that cultivates a platform for people to engage and explore Europe’s legal cannabis market. Jasmin speaks at conferences and events globally about skincare to self-care.
Ohana Skin’s Socials: Website | Instagram | YouTube | Twitter
With Sophie Trotman
9:30-10AM | Friday 5th November | Uncommon Instagram Live
Session Overview
In this session, Registered Nutritional Therapist Sophie Trotman will walk us through some ways that we can improve our energy levels in the Winter months. Tune in for info on specific nutrients and ways of eating to optimise our energy.
About Sophie
Sophie is a Registered Nutritional Therapist DipION mBANT CNHC. Sophie sees clients on a 1:1 basis, helping them with a variety of concerns such as low energy, weight management, gut health issues, anxiety, poor sleep and skin conditions. Sophie also runs workshops for businesses and writes for multiple publications.
A busy sales job and an active London social life left Sophie feeling low-energy. She desperately wanted information on how to improve her health, but was left confused reading conflicting online articles and taking advice off Instagram! She decided to study a four-year Nutritional Therapy Diploma at the prestigious and world-renowned Institute for Optimum Nutrition in London, studying the latest evidence-based research from pioneering experts and partaking in clinical practice.
9:30AM | Thursday 27 May | Uncommon Instagram Live
Session Overview
In this session, OTO will answer your questions about CBD Oil, its benefits, what it can help you with, and so much more.
About OTO
OTO started as a group of passionate, talented friends who sought to use the power of CBD to help themselves and others. Across most of the world, the benefits of CBD remained a mystery… misunderstood and mis-sold. That shouldn’t be the case. Their mission is to help people discover the power of CBD through thoughtful and effective products that easily and enjoyably fit into their daily lives.
A virtual number is simply a telephone number which, rather than residing on a telephone or hunt group, is hosted on our system with the primary purpose of forwarding calls to a chosen destination.
Cloud data backups enables yours business with a full range of features for backing up data stored on servers, desktops and notebooks, protecting mission-critical data. All data is stored in the cloud. You can access it online by secure sign-in from any location in the world.
We can port numbers from most other providers subject to you providing a Letter of Authority. There is an administration charge applicable to the porting of any quantity of numbers.
A numbered menu-system for routing calls. You may choose to record your own greeting / menu announcement or we can do this for you.
We offer call recording with cloud storage. This is often a requirement for companies which conduct business via the telephone and can be required by law (for all FCA regulated businesses for example). You are provided with a web panel in which you can view all your call recordings.
The Hunt Group Plus feature is a telephone number that forwards calls to every handset within its group. Your handsets can be programmed so that all handsets ring simultaneously and the first handset lifted will take the call, leaving the rest available to answer any subsequent calls.
If you have the requirement to host your own telephony conferences, we are able to provide a conference phone to suit a range of different meeting environments.
Our standard phone handset provided is a Yealink T21P E2. Each handset includes the following enterprise features:
Other models within the Yealink IP range are available depending on individual requirements. Pricing is available upon request.
Windows VPN connections can be provisioned for Point-to-Point Tunnelling Protocol packets to encapsulate and send private network traffic.
If you require the access to a specific piece of hardware remotely or for any other requirement, then a static IP can be obtained from us.
Our firewall service removes the need for a customer to install their own hardware firewall. It allows them to host services from their office which need to be accessed from outside of the office – for example, an email server.
In addition to our standard office data ports, we can supply a range of 1Gbs 8, 16, 24 and 48 port data switches.
We provide a next-generation Wi-Fi solution designed specifically for multi-tenanted buildings. Our managed wireless technology offers a dual-band access point which is operated via an SDN controller and supports 802.1x authentication.
We also offer dedicated bandwidth to customers in our hosted buildings because, for some businesses, a shared connection isn’t always sufficient to keep their network services online and performing at the right levels. Dedicated bandwidth guarantees access to a fixed amount of bandwidth which is unaffected by increased usage of other businesses in the building.
Our standard offering for dedicated internet access is as follows:
Our Open Secure Internet Access (OSIA) delivers high-speed internet connectivity via a dedicated, fibre-optic leased line, delivering up to 2Gbps of synchronous connectivity to our office spaces. The connection is backed up with alternative connectivity routes, providing diverse resiliency of our network, negating any outages to our internet connectivity services.
With Rob from MobGroup
12:30PM-1PM | Friday 28 May | Uncommon Instagram Live
Session Overview
Paying special attention to the lower body and glutes (a muscle group often neglected) this class will guide you through controlled exercises to strengthen and shape your lower body. Strong glutes help with knee, hip and lower back health, so if you spend most of the day sitting down, this class is for you!
Intensity: Medium
What you’ll need: Grab whatever weights you can find along with your mat
About Rob
Rob is a fitness & wellness coach, and the co-founder of the workplace wellness consultancy; Mob Group.
As an Uncommon member, you have free access to their fitness, cooking and mindset classes via the members dashboard.
MobGroup’s Socials: Website | Instagram | Rob’s Instagram
With Finding Your Feet (Abby & Grace)
2:30PM-3PM | Friday 28 May | Uncommon Instagram Live
Session Overview
Within this session, Abby & Grace will cover tips on how to implement new habits and actually stick to them. They will include journal prompts and a habit tracker which you can find here and download before and after the session.
Find Your Inner Calm & Maintain Healthy Habits
Building New Habits
Don’t wait for the motivation, create it
Start with why
How long it takes to create a new habit
Maintain Healthy Lockdown Habits
FYF habit tracker & habit stacking
Choice reduction
Boundaries In The Return To ‘Normal’
Remember you get to choose, keep what you love & throw out what you don’t
Remove the pressure & define your own new normal
About Abby & Grace
Grace & Abby are two millennials on a mission to help others find a way back to their true authentic self and find their feet in life. They offer a young and modern take on self-development through their popular podcast and online workshops which focus on self-love, spirituality and mindfulness. Through their platform they actively work on combatting the stigmas surrounding mental health, by having open and vulnerable conversations between themselves and their incredible guests. Grace & Abby’s journey started 7 years ago in fashion school where they bonded over their passion for self-development, the special bond between the two is what makes the process of self-discovery even more fun, ensuring plenty of laughs along the way.
Abby & Grace’s Socials: Website | Instagram | Listen on Spotify | Listen on Apple
With Talia Cecchele
5PM-5:30PM | Friday 28 May | Uncommon Instagram Live
Session Overview
In this session, Talia will answer your questions about plant based diets, including what plant-based eating is, tips on how to maximise your nutrition when following a plant-based diet, myth busting, gut health & more!
About Talia
Talia Cecchele is a Registered Dietitian and founder of Talia Cecchele Nutrition. She works part-time in London’s leading private mental health hospital on a specialist eating disorders unit and part-time running her private practice where she and the team of Registered Dietitians support people to bring balance back to nutrition and improve their relationship with food. Talia also offers corporate wellness services.
With Aly Rahimtoola
9:30-10AM | Thursday 27 May | Uncommon Instagram Live
Session Overview
We will start with sharing data and findings on how COVID-19 has shaped Consumer Wellness and what we can expect – what we can expect the new “normal” to be.
Linking this, Aly will speak a little about the highs and lows of his journey (which is not complete) and some of the tricks that he has adopted to manage the journey. A Q&A will then follow.
About Aly
Herbal Essentials founder Aly Rahimtoola is a global citizen with the perspective needed to lead a consumer goods company beyond its national borders. Aly was born in Pakistan and educated at Westminster School in London before graduating from Brown University in the United States. During a successful career in Shipping based in Dubai, Aly realized that more and more consumers were like him – yearning for brands that were genuinely authentic in everything they did but also high performance and affordable.
With these in mind, he founded Herbal Essentials, an award-winning skincare brand powered by pure Himalayan Spring Water which has been clinically proven to boost skin health. Herbal Essentials offers its customers affordable, clean, cruelty-free products that are made in France with minimum 90% natural origin content. The brand has launched in 13 global markets during the Pandemic and will launch with Superdrug in the UK this summer.
Herbal Essentials’ Socials: Website | Instagram | Facebook | TikTok
With Rianna Drake
9:30-10AM | Friday 28 May | Uncommon Instagram Live
Session Overview
Join us for an immersive experience in brewing Tea & Me’s blends across their Signature and Origins Collections. Enjoy a period to unwind and indulge in some me time. Their mantra is ‘Tea that embodies the phases of your day’, as their infusions are designed to aid you throughout your daily life and give your body what it needs in that moment.
The session will include understanding the different types of tea, how to brew, the intentions behind them and the benefits they offer.
With Lucy Puttergill
6-6:30PM | Friday 28 May | Uncommon Instagram Live
Session Overview
Breathing is the only way that we can consciously control our autonomic nervous system, it has the power to calm us down, wake us up, pull us out of a funk, help us sleep better, feel better, manage emotion better and generally get better at this old thing called life. In this session, Lucy will give you a brief introduction into the magic of breathing properly but rather than just stick with the science, you’ll also dive into a few breath practices which you can use to give yourself an energy boost, help you sleep at night and help you get centred before that big pitch at work. The secret is all in the nose.
About Lucy
Lucy spent close to 10 years working in sales on the trading floor at two US investment banks but made the difficult decision back in 2020 to take a leap into the unknown and start over again which she wrote (and embarrassingly went viral) about here. Having secretly struggled with the pressures of juggling corporate life with a drive to find purpose, she spent a lot of time on her commutes diving into the world of self development, eastern philosophy and psychology in an effort to better manage her mind & find some sense of purpose. This journey led her to qualify as a yoga teacher back in 2019 whilst she was still working in finance and then subsequently as a Reiki practitioner, Breathwork facilitator, Ayurvedic consultant & coach. She is now working as a transformational coach, helping people transform their thinking, and in turn their lives, through deep guided self-reflection blended with bodywork, yoga & breath.
With MobGroup
Monday – Sunday
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MobGroup’s new online portal, keeping you physically and mentally fit, whilst being more productive than ever, all whilst working from home!
Free for Uncommon members | Zoom required